How To Stay On Track With Your New Year’s Resolutions
The beginning of a new year is a customary time to take a Socratic self-assessment of how your life has been going, and then decide what you want to change…. read more
3 Ways That Having Prejudices Will Actually Help You
Prejudice is one of those words that are associated with negative thoughts, opinions, and behaviors. Its connotation is linked to something inferior, intolerant, bad and stupid, like a petty-minded person…. read more
How To Improve Your Rhetoric
The history of rhetoric – the art of verbal persuasion – stretches back about 2500 years and its very basics are typically taught in high school in the Western hemisphere…. read more
You Become What You Fight
BOnce you declare an idea or person to be your enemy, you give them a room in your mind. Within that room you insert their history, strategies, tactics, strengths, and… read more
8 Ways You Have Been Psychologically Severed Through Harmful Conditioning
It has been pointed out repeatedly on ROK how much millennials lack the ability to create or sustain relationships. Women glued to their phones and men addicted to video games,… read more
How The Perception Of Disgust Is Manipulated Over Time To Break The Human Spirit
Psychology matters. Just like politics, if you don’t care about it, someone else will take it over for you. Having at least some basic wisdom about how our own minds… read more
6 Ways To Free Yourself From A Cycle Of Weakness
With our society doing everything it can to keep men down and prevent us from reaching our full potentials, it has become more imperative than ever to learn how to overcome… read more
5 Ways To Become More Persuasive
My first real foray into the world of sales, selling, and persuasion (outside of game) came a few years ago at a seminar from one of the most successful real… read more
7 Ways To Optimize Your Energy To Attract Other People
Whether you are trying to pick up women, networking for business, taking upon the role of a leader, or simply want to improve your overall social connections and life itself,… read more
How To Optimize Your Personality
A fascinating aspect of personality is that it is partly essential, partly malleable. According to The Handbook of Developmental Psychology, most personality traits are about 40-60% inherited; hence about half… read more
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