4 Ways To Kill Your Social Anxiety
The following article was sponsored by Limitless Brain Social anxiety is a major problem most people face. Even if you’re an outgoing guy, certain social situations, such as a business… read more
3 Emotions Men Should Master
We are all too familiar with the SJWs’ “muh feelings” pose. We are also familiar with the Leftists’ manipulative stance, be it through their sanctimonious bullying, guilt-tripping, appeals to a… read more
Why Cisgendered Straight Men Kill Themselves
The following article was sponsored by Tim Patten Men struggling with issues of identity, purpose and societal expectations have a hard time getting the help they need. Unlike females, who… read more
Is It Ever Permissible To Accept Victimhood As A Man?
When one writes such a word as “victimhood,” what do you think about? If you are red-pilled enough, you must already be aware that it means something overused and stemming… read more
Are Smart Drugs For Cheaters? How To Get Ahead In Life And Make Every Day A Productive Day
The following post was sponsored by Limitless Brain Some people will say that nootropics are for cheaters. These are the same people who always finish last. The guys at the… read more
8 Ways To Turn Your Insecurities Around
Insecurities are something people don’t want to admit having due to the negative connotations associated with them. This is especially true for men as we know that it conveys the… read more
The Psychology That Explains How People Become Liberals
I’ve studied numerous psychologists, from Freud to Jung, and from Berne to Maslow, but one of the most interesting psychologists out there is Timothy Leary. Despite being a Professor at… read more
How To Improve Your Situational Awareness From One Minute Of Effort Per Day
My job here at Return Of Kings entails teaching you how to improve yourself in physical terms—teaching proper nutrition, exercise techniques, and training regimens. However, the muscles and adipose cells… read more
39 Statements That Reveal Whether You Are A True Man Of The Right
In keeping with the thrust of my articles over the past several weeks, let’s have a bit of fun. Tally up how many of the following 39 statements you agree with,… read more
11 Ways To Master Your Anger
Couple of weeks ago I published an article on types of things that men get angry about but shouldn’t. But since I haven’t offered a way to deal with anger… read more
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