14 Stupid Things To Stop Being Angry About
Anger had always been an issue for me. It’s actually embarrassing to remember all the times I flared up over insignificant matters and worthless individuals. My past experience, however, did… read more
The Two Major Problems With Psychology
The following article was sponsored by Animus Empire I’ve been a graduate student in psychology for the past four years. And every day I become more dumbfounded by how unhelpful… read more
The Revealing Autobiography Of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) is by any reasonable measure one of the most influential figures in modern philosophy. His radical ideas profoundly influenced literature, education, philosophy, religion, public morals, art, manners,… read more
How To Be More Productive With The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro technique is a time-management tool that breaks work periods into one time frame, and a short rest period into another. It usually involves a 25 minute work sprint… read more
5 Proven Ways To Stop Obsessive Thoughts
If you are at all the analytical type then it is likely that you will have experienced obsessive thoughts more than once in your life. Perhaps these were about a… read more
12 Mental Habits You Must Fix To Become A Better Man
I’m a firm advocate of action over thoughts. Disciplined action will always allow you to accomplish more and make you a better person than any amount of mental masturbation like… read more
3 Keys To Meditation For A Beginner
The power of meditation is incredible. Just meditating for a mere ten minutes can significantly reduce your stress and boost your mood. However, the biggest reason I do it is… read more
The Soul Of Man
The existence of the soul is of utmost importance for both philosophy and theology. It is the animating principle of our bodies by which we think, feel, imagine, and remember…. read more
How Phenibut Can Help You Game Hot Girls
The following article is sponsored by Good Looking Loser and written by Donovan Sharpe. My previous article on Phenibut touched on its ability to help you sleep better, enhance sex,… read more
How Adopting The Gorilla Mindset Can Improve Your Life
The following post was sponsored by Mike Cernovich and written by Winston Smith I recently had the pleasure of reading Mike Cernovich’s new book Gorilla Mindset, and wanted to share… read more
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