Melinda Gates, miserly billionaire.
From what I have read, Bill and Melinda Gates are generous with their money. But Melinda Gates is an incredible miser when it comes to gratitude. She married one of… read more
Gratitude is the cure for feminist resentment.
14 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle,[c] encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. 15 See that no one repays anyone evil for evil,… read more
Is Christian marriage only for elite women?
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. –Romans 12:10, ESV Last week Pastor Michael Foster and I had an excellent exchange in the comments of… read more
Soulmates: The cuckold and his scold.
The ugly feminist and the chivalrous man are a perfect match.* Nothing terrifies her more than the thought of suffering feelings of love or gratitude. Nothing excites him more than… read more
He wipes his feet and eats what he is served.
Instapundit linked to a post by Dr. Helen titled How Have Men been Affected by Feminism? The stories ranged from an immigrant from India who felt that “feminism was a… read more
The wages of miserliness.
Ross Douthat wrote an opinion piece for Easter in the New York Times titled: God and Men and Jordan Peterson. Douthat is concerned that young men are turning away from… read more
No respect.
Vox Day has created a bit of a stir with his post Low morale men. If you read the post, you will notice that there are two groups of men… read more
It tastes better that way.
The other day I pointed out that part of the benefit of DIY is the feeling of mastery that comes with it. There is a related benefit, and that is… read more
She wants 2.3 more years of sex with other men before she settles for you.
As I wrote in A very long season, feminists don’t want to waste a day more of their youth and fertility on their husbands than absolutely necessary. As if to… read more
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