Disrespecting respectability, dishonoring the honorable.
In The Revenge of The Lost Boys* Tom Nichols begins with a familiar question: What’s going on with young American men? Nichols focuses primarily on examples of men that Vox… read more
Culinary frigidity.
Suzanne Cope describes her long battle to overcome crippling dysfunction. As often happens, she learned her hangups at an early age from her mother and grandmother. They taught her that giving… read more
The woman rebel.
Several commenters have objected to my connecting Margaret Sanger’s radio program with the larger feminist movement. Bluedog has a long and complicated explanation involving class which is specific to the one… read more
Corrupted purity.
MarcusD pointed out a recent article by Samantha Pugsley: I Waited Until My Wedding Night To Lose My Virginity And I Wish I Hadn’t. Salon published the same article under the… read more
Frigidity is ugly.
Commenter Jen reminds us that miserliness isn’t the only option for a wife: Honestly, if a woman loves her husband, even if she’s NOT in the mood, she’ll be more… read more
Frigidity and power.
With as much as has been written about the sex denial spreadsheet, one aspect I haven’t seen addressed is the issue of power and how the fear of losing power… read more
Winning the lottery.
A new commenter grossly misunderstood the implication of the earnings chart in my post Progress: One counter point to consider: with married men making considerably more money than unmarried in… read more
Who loves best?
Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved. –Iron Rule of Tomassi #6 Rollo Tomassi’s writing on how women love… read more
A Tale of Two Beaches
Beach #1 Mrs. Yes makes it a point to be warm and inviting whenever her husband storms her beach. He is always welcomed with a kiss and a lei. Beach… read more
The gift transformed into a debt.
Blessed is he who expects no gratitude, for he shall not be disappointed. – W.C. Bennett Back in 1852 the troop ship HMS Birkenhead sank in shark infested waters off… read more
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