Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts.
From 5 Father’s Day Gifts for the Kick-Ass Single Mom in Your Life (emphasis mine): Father’s Day is just around the corner, so the internet is rife with gift guides and ideas… read more
Hey, that’s *our* trick!
Friday afternoon light reading, courtesy of the Dalrock Research Dept. Mommyish has a post about Nick Loeb’s Op Ed piece at the NYT. Loeb wants custody of the frozen embryos… read more
Full of sound and fury.
Mommyish has a post by a woman* who complains about all of the nice things people do for her. This kind of feminist ugliness is pretty standard stuff, but her explanation of why… read more
Baby mama drama
I’m going to be taking a blogging break for about a week and will be disabling comments later this evening. In the meantime, I thought I would leave you with… read more
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