Why won’t he hurry up and die already?
New commenter Tab Spangler linked to a blog post by Glenn Greenwald on a woman who fears being outed for her infidelity because of the Ashley Madison hack. I am… read more
Punch harder on abortion.
This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’ –Proverbs 30:20 Last month Latest.com ran a story defending abortion… read more
How long does IVF allow a woman to delay having children?
The New Scientist has a new article up titled: When should you get pregnant? Computer knows age to start trying. Happy with just one? The model recommends you get started… read more
Feminist self loathing
Feminists have long struggled to define their driving sense of discontentment. Understanding this sense of discontentment is critical to understanding feminism itself. If you don’t know what feminists are devoting… read more
On exceptions and rules.
Dr. Helen kindly linked to my previous post in: Is Imprisoning Men for Child Support a Way for the Government to Destroy Traditional Marriage? In the discussion of her post I… read more
In the discussion of What is closeness? I pointed out that the Sensitive Elliot clip does an excellent job of showing that what we culturally think of as “sensitive” really… read more
The benefits of a trip or two through the meat grinder.
From Yahoo Australia: Kate Winslet: ‘Divorce has been good for my kids’ The 39-year-old Oscar-winning actress says her two divorces have helped teach her children how to “struggle”. “I think… read more
Countercultural, natural, and beautiful.
Mychael at Courtship Pledge describes a powerful lesson for her and her husband Scott’s daughter: Last night, I decided to put on one of Scott’s favorite skirts and a nice… read more
It’s hard on her, but not on her kids.
YourTango has a post titled 11 Things Single Parents Don’t Want To Hear. Note the euphemism “single parent” when what they really mean is “single mother”. The stigma against single mothers… read more
A bastard of a job.
First we had Margaret Sanger telling us of the woes of American housewives trapped in boredom and drudgery during WWII, unable to experience the freedom, fun, and excitement of going… read more
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