Is there a “shortage” of single fathers?
Captain Capitalism found an article on eHarmony titled 15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom. The fifteen reasons boil down to various ways of stating that single moms are easy, they… read more
Expectations vs outcomes.
Mark Richardson of Oz Conservative explains the mindset of career women who missed their opportunity to have children in his post “We’ve assumed we can put it off indefinitely”: It’s… read more
What a masculine imperative would look like
Vox points out the feminine imperative in action in his post Regulating sex: Women desperate to become mothers are increasingly signing up for sperm donation websites where men are offering… read more
Custody Demographics
I was curious about the demographics of family structure so I put together some more charts from the same data set as the last post. I’ve created two charts for… read more
Children are as likely to end up living with neither parent as they are with just their father.
The Census has the 2012 Families and Living Arrangements data out so I pulled a copy of Table C3. Here is the latest data on the living arrangements of children… read more
Harming your kids for attention and profit.
Not all women are cut out to be professional divorcées. While she may lack talent and want to be a writer, a woman may find she never pretended to make… read more
The normalization of the trashy single mother.
With the exception of widows, single mothers have traditionally faced strong social stigma. Feminists have made removing this stigma a priority as it is essential in order to free women… read more
An adaptive strategy for furthering the family line.
Some have noted that fathers have begun treating their daughters as if they were sons, as this US Army commercial demonstrates: However, a more rational approach would be to decide… read more
Updated U.S. Custody and Child Support Data (2009)
Edit: For the latest data, see this post. This is an update of the data I posted in August last year. See the previous page for details on where the… read more
Godly unashamed unwed mothers.
The contrast between how modern Christians treat good faithful fathers and unrepentant unwed mothers is truly astounding. For the latest installment of this, I offer you the CBN.com (Christian Broadcasting… read more
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