Help the Captain support Glenn Grothman
The good Captain has put out a call for help. I’m admittedly late in responding to this, but he assures me that it isn’t too late for our voices to… read more
How to paint the bias against fathers as unfair to mothers.
that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan. — Leo Rosten on… read more
From cornerstone to stepping stone; the mainstream Christian view of marriage.
empathologicalism suggested that during my limited blogging time I consider posting on several old threads he linked to on Christianforums.com. I took a quick look at one of them (Is… read more
It’s just like running a restaurant
I took the family out for breakfast this morning and the place was unusually packed. At the end of our meal I took the kids out to the car and… read more
Newspeak: scrubbing the English language.
I did a search on the term unwed mother when writing my post on Katie Price. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t using the term incorrectly. Click here to… read more
Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family praises “heroic” unwed mothers
Baby mamas of the world rejoice! Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family thinks you are a hero! They are largely single moms, I mean very few kids are being… read more
Authority always comes with responsibility, whether you accept it or not.
Women in our culture have become incredibly nonchalant about raising children without a father. We have gone from seeing this as a failure compared to the traditional model (where single… read more
Unwed mother? Blame feminism.
Unwed Mother Baby Mama Single Mother Choice mother Failure The label is a matter of personal preference, but if you aren’t married to the father of your children and you… read more
Charts on delayed motherhood
As so often happens the discussion in the comments section to a recent post turned to the issue of delayed marriage & motherhood*. In this specific case we were discussing… read more
Dragging your kids throught the meat grinder; practice makes perfect!
Captain Capitalism has a new post titled The Arrogance of Divorcées about a woman named Cherie Bowser who is offering advice on the best way to drag your innocent kids… read more
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