Misinformation on later life pregnancy.
Note: I don’t have any malice for women who have children later in life, and I don’t want to cause women who are over 35 and pregnant any concerns. As… read more
Trapped in motherhood
Commenter udolipixie was troubled by my post Trapped in adulthood: …she’s just an immature complainer. I’m not sure how her character is related to “So here you have it. The… read more
The contagious nature of divorce.
I’ve linked to this study in the past, but I don’t recall anyone in the manosphere going through it. When a friend of my wife decided to divorce it prompted… read more
Reverse cuckoldry and court ordered allowances for adults living with their parents.
Captain Capitalism linked earlier this week to an infuriating story in the daily mail. The astonishing story begins in 1999 when the man was about to have drug treatment for… read more
The cost of cuckoldry.
Last night my wife and I were watching a Forensic Files episode where a husband murdered his wife after she: 1) Decided to divorce him and take half of their… read more
Bad times to have children.
Looking through Ferdinand’s Link roundup I noticed Gorbachev has a post included titled Bad Times: It’s always terrible. Now is always the worst time. Actual worst times? ca. 1300-1200 B.C. General… read more
Last one down the aisle wins part 2: The data.
In part 1 of this series I promised to go through the statistic shared in this book in a later post. The key statistic used to justify the arguments in… read more
Last one down the aisle wins part 1.
This book came out roughly a year or so ago, and while I recall some note of it in the manosphere I don’t recall anyone writing a blog post on… read more
At least the kid can count on his dog.
I saw this on Drudge a little over a week ago Family dog kept watch over missing 2-year-old overnight: A missing 2-year-old boy in Elgin was found Saturday morning after… read more
Misery and vice.
Thomas Robert Malthus is arguably the most misunderstood economist/philosopher of all time. His name today is synonymous with the antithesis of the point he was actually making; Malthus was not… read more
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