Raising Feral Females.
I was talking with a good friend of mine roughly a year ago about what I had been reading in the manosphere. At the time I hadn’t started blogging yet… read more
How to child proof the revolving door to mommy’s bedroom.
Another gem from Match.com: Sex and the single mom Have you ever called a condom a “balloon” or introduced your latest date as “Uncle Mike” to a kid?… Here are… read more
Earth needs dads.
Another one my wife caught. Coming soon to a theater near you, courtesy of Disney Pictures: Mars Needs Moms From the author’s website: Milo doesn’t get it: What’s the big… read more
Crisis averted.
5 Year Old Drama Queen: Eeek! There’s a moth! On the floor! [A dramatic performance ensues] Mrs. Dalrock (AKA Drama Stopper): Oh no! Where’s the phone? 5 Year Old Drama… read more
A Halloween Confession.
When our daughter was just over two years old my wife took her trick or treating for the first time. She was extremely cute in her pink leopard costume, and… read more
Brothers Grimm: The Willful Child.
I misunderstood this one at first, until my wife pointed me in the right direction. The Willful Child: Once upon a time there was a child who was willful and… read more
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