Kickass conservative gals.
From the discussion of both my post on manface and girlpower characters it is clear that even in the men’s sphere there is much love for “strong women”. In my… read more
Feminism in a picture.
The Village Voice has a great picture of a statue placed on Wall Street for International Women’s Day (HT Instapundit). Last night, on the eve of International Women’s Day, news… read more
I think he has earned a puppy party.
In Why Man and Woman Are Not Equal Glenn Stanton writes: The New York Times’s Gail Collins told NPR unequivocally that the most important primary finding of her brilliant book… read more
Nasty Gal’s nasty woman problem.
In Hillary’s nasty woman brigade I quoted from an opinion piece in Business Insider about ugly feminists embracing the term “nasty woman”. Since Trump made that statement, women around the… read more
Going through the motions.
The narrative for feminist STEM poster child Elizabeth Holmes and her company Theranos continues to unravel. Last week the WSJ published an article titled Agony, Alarm and Anger for People… read more
She’ll cut their balls off.
There is a rumor going around that Trump is considering Iowa freshman Senator Joni Ernst for the VP slot. People magazine writes: Who is Joni Ernst? 5 Things to Know… read more
It would be petty to point out how petty it is.
Commenter PM observed that the feminist fiction spun around Amelia Earhart seems harmless enough: Men are still doing most of jobs that keep civilization going. I don’t see that changing…. read more
Fragile femininity and our masculinity crisis.
Conservatives frequently complain about a masculinity crisis among younger generations of men, but while feminists probably are succeeding somewhat in their efforts to feminize young men, their primary success has… read more
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