The problem isn’t knowledge, but attitude.
In the discussion of a recent post, Dragonfly asked what things a young woman can do to be more attractive to potential husbands: …from a man’s point of view, what… read more
More feminist make-believe
From the Daily Mail: Brave female Papa Johns manager tackles pair of Ferguson looters with her bare hands as they kick in windows… and quickly sends them packing Yet neither… read more
Confusing make-believe with reality; why feminists obsess over Barbie.
The feminist obsession with Barbie dolls seems odd at first glance. Whether it is their compulsion to create ugly feminist Barbie or Computer Engineer Barbie, we see a great deal of focus on… read more
A bridge too far.
The Dalrock research department* brought the latest divorce empowerment movie to my attention: My first thought was that we are due for another epic divorce fantasy (courtesy of Oprah of… read more
Twisted Scripture.
Nearly all of the instruction to husbands and wives in the New Testament tends to make modern Christians very uncomfortable. There is for example a cottage industry to explain away… read more
The sin of lacking moxie.
Reader aa asked for my thoughts on an article by JD Gunter at the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) titled We’re Just “Talking”. Gunter has misunderstood the increased ambiguity… read more
Remaking the princess, evicting the prince.
Disney has a new television program about a young princess in training titled Sofia The First. Nancy Kanter (Senior Vice President, Original Programming and General Manager, Disney Junior Worldwide) explained… read more
The Long March of Envy.
Italian Paratrooper from the Folgore Brigade While the official claim is that integrating women into combat roles is to provide the largest possible pool of capable forces to draw from,… read more
Why being a female is a great gift to the universe.
The most fascinating part of feminism is when you boil it down how incredibly vacuous it is. It is an unthinking grab for power, a mindless reaction against a nameless discontent. … read more
If we were as foolish about male sexuality as we are about female sexuality.
Several readers objected to my post Feral females in the news because they read it as me asserting that girls aged 6-9 naturally tend to compete sexually for boys. This… read more
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