National Marriage Project
You better do as she says, or she’ll take away your kids.
In response to A dangerous truth, commenter Anonymous Reader challenged my assertion that as a sociology professor, Wilcox had to understand that there are public policy reasons fathers are being… read more
A dangerous truth.
The Institute for Family Studies has an essay by Professor W. Bradford Wilcox, titled Marriage Facilitates Responsible Fatherhood. According to the editor’s note the essay is an abbreviated version of… read more
Will Wilcox and the men of National Review respect you in the morning?
Over the last year or so there has been a concerted effort by men associated with National Review to woo men into marriage. The most recent example of this is… read more
What Prager and Wilcox are selling.
Brad Wilcox of the Marriage Project made a video for Prager University that along with a rebuttal by MGTOW Turd Flinging Monkey has been getting a good deal of attention. … read more
The unworkable bachelor tax.
One of the ideas often put forward when discussing declining marriage rates is that our elites are likely to enact a Roman Empire style bachelor tax. I admittedly don’t have… read more
Blind spot
Note: I greatly appreciate the work the National Marriage Project is doing, especially in putting out easy to read and meaningful data in their State Of Our Unions reports. In addition,… read more
Why aren’t men responding to economic signals?
I think the greatest, most astonishing fact that I am aware of in social science right now is that women have been able to hear the labor market screaming out… read more
Latest Divorce Rate Chart from 2012 State of Our Unions
Back in July of 2012 I pointed out that the conventional wisdom on the trend in US divorce rates appeared to be changing. The reason is the official data set… read more
Conventional wisdom on the trend in US divorce rates may be about to change.
When it comes to divorce rates in the US conventional wisdom is that it peaked around 1980 and has been declining ever since. However, there is new data which suggests… read more
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