National Review
Duluth worked even better than I expected.
The Miami Herald reports that the woman in the viral video wasn’t arrested or charged. From Woman smashes husband with laptop on plane, video shows: The woman was not arrested. According… read more
Call me unchivalrous.
After due consideration I have decided to adopt the label unchivalrous Christian. The label is more accurate than anti-feminist Christian, or traditional Christian, because antifeminist and traditional Christians almost always… read more
Tucker Carlson’s dangerous wedge.
Last week Tucker Carlson broke a carefully guarded conservative taboo and called out our elites for their role in destroying american families. Much of the reaction has been a predictable… read more
The coward’s way out.
Kevin Williamson at National Review writes in Advice for Incels: In the 1960s and 1970s, there were some social disruptions touching marriage and family life. It was, they told us,… read more
No respect.
Vox Day has created a bit of a stir with his post Low morale men. If you read the post, you will notice that there are two groups of men… read more
Lancelot and the gruesome demand for the Full Titanic Experience.
Five years ago this January the cruise ship Costa Concordia ran aground at 11:45 PM with 4,252 souls on board. The engine compartments were quickly flooded, and the ship eventually… read more
Will Wilcox and the men of National Review respect you in the morning?
Over the last year or so there has been a concerted effort by men associated with National Review to woo men into marriage. The most recent example of this is… read more
An attitude of abundance.
Scott commented on my last post, noting that his blog focused on honoring respectable men runs against the prevailing culture: So far, the response has been positive but with the… read more
The peasants are revolting.
Love him or hate him, Trump has managed to bring the Republican elite’s seething contempt for the working class to the surface. Back in March, Kevin D. Williamson at National… read more
He was for it before he was against it.
Before the editors of National Review discovered that women as warriors was against natural law, National Review Senior Editor Jonah Goldberg* was delighted with the message of feminist empowerment that… read more
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