More bad news for marriage is baked in.
Back in September W. Bradford Wilcox and Wendy Wang published an American Enterprise Institute report titled The Marriage Divide: How and Why Working-Class Families Are More Fragile Today. I’ve written… read more
The rational response to high divorce rates.
Note: Most of the data presented in this post is from family profiles produced by the National Center for Family and Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University (BGSU). … read more
America is destroying the Hispanic family.
Usually when you see divorce rates broken out by race and ethnicity, the results look like the chart below, created with data from an NCFMR report on 2010 divorce rates:… read more
NY Times Happy Talk About Divorce
The NY Times has a new article complaining that people still think divorce is a problem (H/T Rollo Tomassi): The Divorce Surge Is Over, but the Myth Lives On But here… read more
More remarriage rate charts.
There was a problem with the time scaling of the remarriage rate chart in my last post. Here is the fixed version: I also decided to take another look… read more
Does Shaunti Feldhahn’s rosy divorce data prove that no fault divorce is working out pretty well after all?
A few weeks ago I asked why modern Christians are so delighted with current divorce rates. As I explained in the post, Shaunti Feldhahn has a new book* and multiple articles proclaiming… read more
Smoking gun
Figure 3 in this NCFMR paper on remarriage rates doesn’t include the actual values of the data being charted, so I pulled the chart into GIMP, blew it up, and estimated… read more
Getting to the church on time (a second time).
Deep Strength offered his own explanation on why young wives in the UK are divorcing in much lower numbers: However, when you take into context women getting married closer to… read more
Latest Divorce Rate Chart from 2012 State of Our Unions
Back in July of 2012 I pointed out that the conventional wisdom on the trend in US divorce rates appeared to be changing. The reason is the official data set… read more
Not Glad Tidings for Post Marital Spinsters.
The National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University has crunched the numbers on the latest remarriage stats: Men are more likely to remarry than women,… read more
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