Why The Greek God Hermes Is A Perfect Symbol For Neomasculinity
In an article titled 7 Core Principles To Help Reinvigorate Western Culture, I mentioned Greco-Roman culture as the main source of inspiration for current and future endeavors within the West,… read more
The Decline In Testosterone Is Destroying The Basis Of Masculinity
Testosterone levels in men are declining worldwide alongside sperm counts. The hormone that makes men men is disappearing from the human world. As a result, men are becoming more feminine… read more
Will You Pay The Bill For The Coming Spinster Bubble?
Marriage rates have been plummeting since culturally suicidal feminism was unleashed like a plague on Western society. Women aren’t marrying, because in many cases they’re not worth putting up with… read more
4 Goals For The Neomasculinity Movement During Trump’s First Term
Gentlemen, I am filled to the brim with joy. We have successfully thwarted the globalist’s plans to ruin America—we’ve fought against the big banks, we’ve fought against the Satanic pedophile… read more
Roosh Q&A: 24 Answers To Patriarchy & Tradition Questions
The final Q&A video is on patriarchy and tradition: Here’s the index so you can jump around: 00:08 “Do you see mens maculinity further succumbing to public pressure or will… read more
5 Signs You’re Suffering From A MGTOW Mindset
Before I read Corey Savage‘s An Open Letter To The Men Of MGTOW a couple months ago, I admittedly had zero clue as to what the MGTOW community actually stood for…. read more
5 Tips To Raise A Strong Son
It’s no secret that in our hyper-feminized world, young boys are having masculinity crushed out of them at a younger and younger age. What was once considered normal in young… read more
Will Neomasculinity Create A New Patriarchal Religion?
As neomasculinity is refined and polished, can we look to history to see if a new masculine and patriarchal religion may also arise for future kings to claim authority by?… read more
It’s Time To Make Men Strong Again
If I were to describe neomasculinity in one phrase, I’d take a page from Donald Trump’s playbook and have it be “Make Men Strong Again.” Most of the work I’ve published in… read more
The Western Man Is Now A Ronin
During the chaotic and tumultuous periods of feudal Japan, the samurai were the established class of warriors dedicated to serving their Lords. The meaning of the word samurai is “to… read more
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