Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015
Novaseeker found an excellent chart over at Reddit. It isn’t my chart to share, so I won’t publish it here. However, you can see it at the link. Some quick… read more
A very long season (part 2).
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, –Colossians 3:12, ESV In part 1 I described the feminist life script of… read more
2014 Never Married Data
The Census finally got around to publishing the 2014 Families and Living Arrangements tables. As I’ve done in the past, my focus is on the trend of never married White… read more
2013 never married data.
The 2013 Census data came out today, and Han Solo at Just Four Guys has already made good use of it. My initial take is that the trends we have… read more
More grim news for carousellers hoping to jump at the last minute.
Ever since my post in June Never marrieds piling up I’ve been curious what the data would look like for 2012. The US Census has the data posted, and I’ve updated… read more
Never marrieds piling up
Badger’s outstanding post “29/31″: A Time-Travel Video About The Wall had me wanting to see if the 2011 Census data was out. I was in luck, but it doesn’t look good… read more
Supply and demand in the marriage market.
My last post Starting young featured a five year old girl who was already practicing saying no to prospective suiters. As Elusive Wapiti pointed out, it is fairly evident that… read more
Marriage strike?
Grerp has sparked a spirited discussion on her blog with her post A question for the gentlemen. In that post she mentions the oft cited manosphere threat of a marriage… read more
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