New Morality
What are fathers for?
Several commenters have noted the troubling image featured at the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (fatherhood.gov): I’m going to partially defend the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC), as we (as a… read more
Stripmining can be dangerous.
From She thought she had a date. Then he suggested going to a spa As it turned out, Alan was a sales agent, employed by a company to beguile unsuspecting… read more
Academics understand that chivalry isn’t Christian
I came across a page on Chivalry and Courtly Love the other day. It appears to be lecture notes from DePaul University, and is dated 1998. What nearly all conservative… read more
A chivalrous view of marriage and divorce.
Pastor Russ Dean* at Baptist News Global asks Why do we continue to label the death of a marriage as a ‘failed marriage’? The United States remains one of the… read more
Chivalry just got even gayer.
Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg cleverly co-opted chivalry in the service of gay marriage (emphasis mine): Buttigieg, in a speech at LGBTQ Victory Fund National Champagne Brunch in Washington, D.C., referenced… read more
The chivalric rules of love.
French poets, in the eleventh century, discovered or invented, or were the first to express, that romantic species of passion which English poets were still writing about in the nineteenth…. read more
Call me unchivalrous.
After due consideration I have decided to adopt the label unchivalrous Christian. The label is more accurate than anti-feminist Christian, or traditional Christian, because antifeminist and traditional Christians almost always… read more
Hail to the V.
Reader Oscar wrote: I finally got around to watching the History Channel’s “Knightfall” fictional series about the final days of the Knights Templar, and imagine my surprise when one of… read more
Fifty shades of Lancelot.
As I wrote in What is the blue pill? chivalry is a mockery of Christian sexual morality. What was pure was portrayed as perverse, and what was bawdy was portrayed… read more
What is the blue pill?
Blogger Bnonn recently took a catty swipe at this blog and the larger Christian men’s sphere in a sixteen part tweet. 1/16 There are lots of folks calling themselves red… read more
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