New Morality
It’s a matter of morality.
World Net Daily has a hilarious article about a man in Argentina who took advantage of the new transgender law to identify as a woman in order to retire five… read more
Why Game is a threat to our values.
Chances are you’ve heard of a concept called “Game”, and if you are like most people you suspect this concept poses a dire threat to our most cherished values. These… read more
Won’t someone think of the children who want to become single mothers?
Commenter Evan Turner asks how Christian fathers are supposed to facilitate their daughters becoming single mothers without child support: Wow i used to like reading the blog and comments on… read more
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Atlantic explains that Cat Person went viral because it connects with the current mood of women & feminism: Into this steps “Cat Person,” a New Yorker fiction story by… read more
Her first time was special.
The author of Cat Person wants the reader to know the main character is a good girl, unlike the sluts who didn’t follow the college boyfriend script. When her hookup… read more
Children understand.
Anonymous Reader notes that Let it go is well loved by modern Christians: I have not yet encountered a single churchgoing person in my social circle who has a problem… read more
It must be exhausting.
A few weeks back Vox Day quoted the lyrics of “Let It Go”, the hit song from the Disney movie Frozen. I hadn’t heard the song before but I knew… read more
She made it sound ugly.
From the NY Post, Teacher allegedly called out cheerleaders who ‘showed a lot of vagina’ Eubanks, 59, a city teacher for two decades and former educator with the New York… read more
Selfishness as wisdom and virtue.
Sharon Pope expresses a very common sentiment in Why I Hate the Label Mid-Life Crisis: As women, we’re constantly evolving. As spiritual beings, we’re waking up. As seekers, we’re becoming… read more
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