New York Post
The weakened signal hits home.
When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not… read more
Duluth worked even better than I expected.
The Miami Herald reports that the woman in the viral video wasn’t arrested or charged. From Woman smashes husband with laptop on plane, video shows: The woman was not arrested. According… read more
You’ll have to buy a few dinners on the road to finding your 53 year old dream girl.
As 53 year old never married Wendy Griffith explains in her book on how to find a husband, it is important for women to only date men who are willing… read more
Women hardest hit.
One of the changes in the new tax law involves the tax status of alimony. Previously the payor (men) could deduct the money they pay in alimony, and the payee… read more
She made it sound ugly.
From the NY Post, Teacher allegedly called out cheerleaders who ‘showed a lot of vagina’ Eubanks, 59, a city teacher for two decades and former educator with the New York… read more
How to cover up a girly Marine cover.
The New York Post touched off a media firestorm two weeks ago with their headline Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats. Following the firestorm, there has been a concerted… read more
The key to breaking the marriage strike.
Sammiches. From the New York Post: ‘I’m 124 sandwiches away from an engagement ring’ Each morning, he would ask, “Honey, how long you have been awake?” “About 15 minutes,” I’d reply…. read more
Grannies gone wild!
Key to the process of selling divorce is convincing women that their romantic prospects don’t really decline with age. We could easily cut the divorce rate in half if the… read more
Hussygate, a manosphere special.
Drudge has been headlining the unfolding scandal surrounding General Petraeus, and there are so many manosphere related angles it is fascinating. Rollo has accurately described Patraeus as beta, but for… read more
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