New York Times
John Zmirak is mostly right.
John Zmirak at The Stream writes in Tucker Carlson is Half Right that Carlson is right about the destruction of the family: Carlson’s central complaint is serious. The family is… read more
Now we are haggling about the price.
The Washington Post has an opinion piece up by a law professor named Irina D. Manta. The title of the piece is The case for cracking down on Tinder lies,… read more
Chivalry’s mortal enemy: Toxic masculinity.
George Yancy at the New York Times confesses his sin: I am a failed and broken feminist. More pointedly, I am sexist. There are times when I fear for the… read more
To everything a season.
Commenter constrainedlocus observes: I’m still digesting all of this, but I think one question that I have is what are men really thinking in these commensurate age groups? Even if… read more
The wages of miserliness.
Ross Douthat wrote an opinion piece for Easter in the New York Times titled: God and Men and Jordan Peterson. Douthat is concerned that young men are turning away from… read more
The changing “thoughts and prayers” narrative from the left.
With the full court press by the left condemning figures on the right for offering “thoughts and prayers” for the victims of the Florida mass shooting, it is worth noting… read more
She wants 2.3 more years of sex with other men before she settles for you.
As I wrote in A very long season, feminists don’t want to waste a day more of their youth and fertility on their husbands than absolutely necessary. As if to… read more
This is what a feminist looks like.
I thought I was done with Wonder Woman, but yesterday’s Wonder Woman Op Ed by Jessica Bennett at the NYT is too hilarious not to share. See the accompanying photo,… read more
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