New York Times
Feminists longing for the good old days.
Camille Paglia has famously argued that “If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.” Yet even this is likely too optimistic. As… read more
The secret to staying married
Back in July the New York Times ran a surprisingly good piece on marriage titled: The Wedding Toast I’ll Never Give. It isn’t a great piece, but it is far… read more
She’s been groomed her whole life for this con.
On Saturday the New York Times warned of the problem of elderly women being conned on dating sites in Swindlers Target Older Women on Dating Websites. They lead with a… read more
Laura Lifshitz hits the bigtime
Divorce is big business, and this isn’t limited to the family courts and the wide range of cogs in the machinery that destroys families. When women aren’t destroying their own… read more
Celebrating divorce by denying its existence.
At first glance it may seem strange that feminists like Claire Cain Miller and Justin Wolfers would go to such lengths to convince the public that high divorce rates are a thing… read more
NY Times Happy Talk About Divorce
The NY Times has a new article complaining that people still think divorce is a problem (H/T Rollo Tomassi): The Divorce Surge Is Over, but the Myth Lives On But here… read more
The crazy dictator.
My wife and I watched a movie titled Joshua a while back (plot spoiler alert). We ended up fast forwarding the second half of the film just to see how… read more
Women’s morphing need for male investment.
In a previous post I discussed the importance of male investment in women’s intrasexual status competition. This investment can range from the validation which comes from being selected for a… read more
Rethinking the marriage wage premium.
A number of commenters on my last post wanted more evidence that marriage as an institution motivates men to earn more. Commenter Drew asked: I think the jumps from correlations… read more
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