Pastor Abedini
She doesn’t need a man.
Christ does not need us. He doesn’t need us to be happy. He doesn’t need us to be fulfilled… In the same manner, when a fulfilled, self-sufficient woman marries a… read more
NFL Super Bowl PSA: Who is the abuser?
During the Super Bowl tomorrow the NFL will be running the following PSA on domestic violence: Last year’s PSA featured a woman dialing 911 but not being able to tell… read more
Naghmeh used a modern Christian buzzword when explaining why she went to the family courts: In very difficult situations sometimes you have to establish boundaries while you work toward healing…. read more
Honey, I’m home!
While Pastor Saeed Abedini was flying home to see his wife and children yesterday after being imprisoned for his faith for nearly four years, his wife Naghmeh was preparing a… read more
I hear he is a real bastard.
With Pastor Abedini’s relaese, Heavy.com chose him as a topic for one of their 5 Fast Facts posts. Fast fact number three is: 3. His Wife Naghmeh Campaigned Relentlessly for… read more
Saeed is free!
Rejoice! The ACLJ has confirmed that Pastor Saeed Abedini has been let out of prison! We can now officially confirm that Pastor Saeed has been freed. In addition there are… read more
Nagmeh warns Christians not to be seduced by the desire for attention.
I had planned on changing the subject, but haven’t had time to write the next post I plan on writing. In the meantime, the Christian press continues to feed Naghmeh… read more
A fresh start for Naghmeh
Today Naghmeh tweeted a link to a Charisma News article about her latest Saeed-free Facebook post: Why Saeed Abedini’s Wife Is Calling for 3-Week Fast The article explains that Naghmeh… read more
The erasure of Pastor Saeed occurred sooner than I thought.
In my last post I noted that there was no reference to Pastor Saeed in his wife Naghmeh’s Facebook post yesterday. However, I now see that Christian Today wrote an… read more
Trading places.
Regular readers of the blog are aware of the tragic situation with Pastor Saeed Abedini (see the tag with his name at the bottom of the post or start here,… read more
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