Pastor Abedini
Merry Christmas
I do not think I can top Vox’s message so I will copy it here: A Merry Christmas Eve to you all. The night is dark and we find ourselves… read more
Why didn’t He think of that?
Just before Naghmeh Sabedini reiterated her charges of abuse against her persecuted husband, Christian Today published: Why evangelicals pray for persecuted pastors rather than battered women.* Ed Cyzewski explains that… read more
Christian Red Guards
The piling on against Pastor Saeed Abedini continues, with an article published yesterday by Christian Today*: Why did Naghmeh Abedini keep her spousal abuse a secret for years? Behavioural experts… read more
Guilty if charged
As I noted in my last post, for a husband to be acused of abuse, even with far fetched charges, is to be considered guilty of those charges. The Christian… read more
The temptation for wives to claim abuse.
In our age claiming abuse is a powerful tool for wives to punish their husbands. This creates a profound temptation for wives to betray their husbands for any or no… read more
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