Pastor Doug Wilson
Don’t chase the misdirection.
Note: This started as a comment, but I think the point is worth making in a post so I’m doing so here. Commenter Hmm wrote: Wilson’s original post concerned a… read more
Pastor Wilson doubles down.
Back in July Pastor Doug Wilson published a post titled: On a Wife Deciding to Leave Her Husband. In this post Wilson referred to 1 Cor 7:10 (NIV): 10 To the married… read more
Do you smell that?
In The Death of Christian Britain Callum Brown explains that the evangelical narrative in Britain in from the 1800s until the collapse in the 1960s was that if a woman’s husband was… read more
Mad Dog Chandler on Toxic Masculinity.
The #metoo era is dangerous because the rules of what is permissable are very quickly changing. This is especially dangerous for complementarians because complementarians earn their living in the margins… read more
Complementarian contempt for the servant’s heart.
As I’ve noted before complementarians use an especially cynical term to deny headship. The term is servant leader, and while the individual words are right, the meaning of the phrase… read more
Pastor Wilson discovers the secret meaning of 1 Cor 7.
Earlier this week Pastor Doug Wilson published a post titled: On a Wife Deciding to Leave Her Husband. What most readers likely won’t notice is that Wilson has created a truly… read more
Sheila Gregoire has a post about a twitter fight she and another Christian feminist (Julie Anne) had with a complementarian Southern Baptist pastor (Steve Camp). Sheila and Julie Anne were… read more
Modern Christian teachers of the lesson in The Wedding of Sir Gawain.
In The Wedding of Sir Gawain we learn that what women want is sovereynté (control). If a husband loves his wife, he will grant her the sovereynté that she covets. As a… read more
St. Jerome, the Puritan.
In his post Obeying Your Double Helix Pastor Doug Wilson recommends the book The Worldly Saints by Leland Ryken. This is a book I read when I originally wrote about Courtly Love back… read more
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