Pastor Doug Wilson
Blinded by chivalry.
Commenter 7817 asks: Dalrock, have you read Wilson’s post from last year where he says that one of the beautiful things the puritans did was to enshrine Chivalry in marriage?… read more
How to spot a faker.
In the introduction of Reforming Marriage Pastor Wilson explains why some men do everything right but their wives are still unhappy. The reason this happens is the man isn’t right… read more
Pastor Wilson will no doubt thank me.
Commenter katech0 writes: Anonymous Reader wrote:Fact: Wilson wrote that a wife’s happiness is the standard to judge a marriage. Full stop. That is what “If mama’s not happy….” means. Full… read more
Wilson deflects.
In Dalrockian and Disoriented Pastor Doug Wilson responds to my recent posts If mama ain’t happy and She’s the boss, you’re a guest. Click through and read his full post,… read more
If mama ain’t happy
A few weeks back I quoted a post from Pastor Doug Wilson castigating Christian men for listening to pastors and living by the rule if mama ain’t happy (emphasis mine): When… read more
She’s the boss, you’re a guest.
As I’ve been looking at more of Pastor Doug Wilson’s books I’ve noticed that some time around 2004 (perhaps earlier*) he added a new chapter to his theology of marriage. … read more
Headship tomorrow and headship yesterday, but never headship today.
“The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday—but never jam to-day.” “It must come sometimes to ‘jam to-day,’” Alice objected. “No, it ca’n’t,” said the Queen. “It’s jam every other… read more
Riding the security carousel.
Pastor Douglas Wilson explains in Reforming Marriage why women’s sexual sin is different than men’s sexual sin. When dirty men sin it is because they want sex. But when misguided… read more
If you only knew Wilson like they know Wilson, you would know he does not mean what he writes.
Several readers objected to my recent post Harkening back to the golden age. As so often happens with Pastor Doug Wilson, the defense is not that what he wrote is correct, but… read more
Harkening back to the golden age.
Cane Caldo hilariously describes Pastor Doug Wilson’s new post Masculinity without Permission.* Even when he tries to avoid blaming men–for one post!–he has to caveat that he would really rather… read more
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