Pastor Matt Chandler
Christian hospitality requires accommodating gay sex.
Hospitality is the buzzword complementarians use to normalize homosexuality and demand that Christian parents provide gays with special access to our children. I’ve previously shared where Rosaria Butterfield and Pastor… read more
Did I lie about Matt Chandler?
This is the most obvious case of mirroring I’ve seen in a long time. Many of their accusations about you refer – quite obviously, imo – to themselves. –Larry Kummer,… read more
Warhorn interview: Male responsibility and female agency.
For context see this post. You can also see the whole series. This is I believe our longest exchange, and I’ll apologize in advance for any difficulty my readers have keeping… read more
Perversion is love, and love wins.
Deti asked me to clarify what I meant in my last post about complementarian gay activists twisting the idea of repentance and being freed from sin. Instead of framing being… read more
Every woman’s battle.
Lori Alexander warns wives in her excellent post Discontentment is a Marriage Killer: Eve stopped being thankful for the position that God put her into in the garden and seeds of… read more
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