Pastor Matt Chandler
The cause of feminist resentment.
The complementarian movement has long implied that the reason women feel the temptation for feminist envy and rebellion is that men aren’t loving enough. Feminist rebellion is seen not as… read more
Stoking feminist resentment
The Atlantic has a new piece up titled The Scourge of the Female Chore Burden: All over the world, women are doing work they’re not getting paid for. In rich… read more
Sunday Morning Cartoons
In a previous post I introduced the term cartoonish chivalry. Today I want to explain it a bit further, and at the same time explain why we see so much… read more
Mad Dog Chandler
One of the more striking aspects of complementarianism is the over the top cartoonish chivalry. This in turn derives from a caricature of masculinity which is hyper violent (to men)… read more
The cult of women’s self esteem.
We live in an age obsessed with women’s self esteem. Feminists assure us that all (or nearly all) of our problems would be solved if only women held themselves in… read more
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