Pastor Tim Bayly
Why Warhorn Media’s duplicity matters.
Larry Kummer asked me a question in an email exchange that I want to discuss as a stand alone post: Reading your last post, I don’t understand your objection. They… read more
Warhorn claims we never set out for a back and forth exchange via email.
Nathan Alberson of Warhorn Media has made some surprising claims in the discussion of his podcast. When I responded to his description of the podcast with disappointment that he had… read more
Warhorn responds.
Note: For context regarding the Warhorn interview see this post. You can also see the whole series. Nathan sent me a note this morning letting me know the podcast response is up. The… read more
Is it a sin to go against God’s command?
In Sex and the Straw Man–an Exercise in Logic David Gudeman at Brain Legions charges that I relied on straw man arguments in my post Does romantic love sanctify married… read more
Warhorn interview: Male responsibility and female agency.
For context see this post. You can also see the whole series. This is I believe our longest exchange, and I’ll apologize in advance for any difficulty my readers have keeping… read more
Coming soon: Interview with Warhorn Media.
A few weeks ago Nathan Alberson reached out asking if I would be willing to join his podcast Sound of Sanity for an interview. I declined the request to join… read more
Hail to the V.
Reader Oscar wrote: I finally got around to watching the History Channel’s “Knightfall” fictional series about the final days of the Knights Templar, and imagine my surprise when one of… read more
Challenge not accepted.
A month ago in An invitation to Pastor Wilson’s defenders I challenged Wilson’s defenders to do any of the following: Point out any instances where I criticized Wilson without providing a… read more
Won’t someone call out the weight lifters?
One of the core strategies of complementarians is downplaying the importance of the feminist rebellion that defines our age, if not outright pretending that it isn’t happening. This is so… read more
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