Pay Gap
John Zmirak is mostly right.
John Zmirak at The Stream writes in Tucker Carlson is Half Right that Carlson is right about the destruction of the family: Carlson’s central complaint is serious. The family is… read more
UK Millennial men earning like women.
Lianna Brinded at Business Insider notes that weak men are screwing feminism up: The gender pay gap is narrowing for millennials — ‘but for the wrong reasons’ Millennial men have… read more
The mysterious male marriage premium.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit explains why he left big law: …I looked at the partners and their lives and thought, “this is what it looks like when you win?” But… read more
The cheating hearts of the patriarchal cartel.
Following up on yesterday’s post, it is entirely possible that the employers of the patriarchy: Were legally permitted to discriminate against women. Were socially encouraged to do so. Stated that… read more
Better data/chart on the history of the wage gap.
As I noted in the discussion of the last post, the data I presented is from feminists. Specifically, Infoplease states that the source of the data I used for the… read more
Shackled for less than a penny.
Slumlord argues that prior to modern feminism what we had was affirmative action for men: The thing is when you take the shackles away from some women they actually outperform men… read more
How to close the gender pay gap once and for all.
Closing the gender pay gap is a national priority, but due to misunderstanding the problem we have failed to fully close it. The good news is we are already making… read more
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