I Stopped Being A Leftist Who Supported Bernie Sanders
Yeah! I’m fucking better than you! This quote by Ana Kasparian, a co-host at the Young Turks, summarizes rather well the attitude of many piss-stained leftist. I once thought these… read more
What Nietzsche Had To Say About Social Justice
SJWs are one of our favorite subjects here on ROK. If you care to do a site search, you end up with 28 pages of articles that include that term…. read more
“When The Shoe Fits” By Osho Is A Deep Introduction To Tao
When The Shoe Fits is a transcription of a lecture given by Osho in 1974, based on the teachings of the ancient Taoist Chuang Tzu. Osho is one of the… read more
Should You Judge Other People?
Some weeks ago, a ROK piece pointed out that social laxity encouraged misbehaving and extreme individualism. It linked to intelligent articles from a psychologist, Theodore Dalrymple, who showed how the… read more
8 Ways To Live A Virtuous Life In The Modern Age
If there is anything in philosophy that can unite Western men, whether they worship God or not, it is the classic virtues found in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and… read more
6 Best Quotes From The Novel “Siddhartha” By Hermann Hesse
Siddhartha is one of the first novels that introduced Buddhism to Western audiences. Written in 1922 by Hermann Hesse, it is a fast read about a man who seeks enlightenment… read more
9 Ideas From Julius Evola’s “Ride The Tiger” That Are Still Valid Today
The Italian religious philosopher and cultural analyst Julius Evola (1898–1974) is one of the most engaging writers of the 20th century. Both his texts on various esoteric religious topics and… read more
6 Myths About Human Psychology That Most People Believe
Psychology as a field was planted by the broken philosophy of the 19th century, and now it grows through a broken system of grants and tenure. As such, it perpetuates myths that… read more
Why The Hindu Concept Of Dharma Is Relevant To Us Today
History of ideas is barely the kind of field that pays big bucks, but as long as it is not approached through an excessively biased perspective, one stands good chances… read more
3 Bits Of Wisdom From The Philosophy Of José Ortega y Gasset
In my opinion, one of the sharpest and most well-articulated philosophers and thinkers of the 20th century was the Spaniard José Ortega y Gasset (1883–1955). Even though he was considered… read more
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