Philosophy of Feminism
A year of ugly feminists
In my first post of 2014 I introduced the topic of the ugly feminist. As I explained at the time, this is an old charge but is typically aimed at… read more
Making the world safe for foolish promiscuous women.
I stumbled on a recent piece by Ezra Klein at Vox titled “Yes Means Yes” is a terrible law, and I completely support it. It is a remarkably frank discussion… read more
The woman rebel.
Several commenters have objected to my connecting Margaret Sanger’s radio program with the larger feminist movement. Bluedog has a long and complicated explanation involving class which is specific to the one… read more
The roots of marriage counseling.
Marcus D linked to a column by feminist and historian Rebecca Onion titled Lock up your wives! Advice columns from decades past provide a chilling glimpse into the horrors of… read more
Christian blank slatism.
I started this as a comment in the discussion of my previous post. However, given the difficulty many had spotting the problem with Walsh’s framing I think this is worth pulling… read more
Repackaging feminism as Christian wisdom.
Repackaging modern thought into a Christian and counter cultural sounding message is extremely common, and something I’m convinced conservative Christian men and women do without ever being aware of what… read more
Feminists are ugly.
This is an old charge against feminists, but one which has typically only been considered superficially. The real reason feminists are ugly has nothing to do with their physical appearance…. read more
Dispelling the misconceptions about feminism.
Many falsely assume that feminism is somehow about self loathing women, illogical emotion driven women, women with hairy armpits, women who look like men, unattractive women, lesbians, and supplicating men… read more
Why being a female is a great gift to the universe.
The most fascinating part of feminism is when you boil it down how incredibly vacuous it is. It is an unthinking grab for power, a mindless reaction against a nameless discontent. … read more
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