An Alternative (Right?) Perspective On Objectivism
Ayn Rand, the founder of Objectivism, was born in 1905 in Saint Petersburg. She witnessed the disastrous rise of Communism during her youth, before moving to the USA. In addition… read more
An Exploration Of Finding Meaning In Life Through Logotherapy
What motivates you to live? What is the meaning of life? For centuries, mankind has questioned everything. Mankind’s quest for the answer to what drives us, and what pushes us… read more
The Modern Dangers Of Excess
Aristotle famously observed that virtue is the middle course between excess and deficiency. Plato touched on that earlier in The Republic; those with moderate lives are happier on the whole… read more
Can We Attain Certitude Through Our Perceptions?
Paschal greetings to the men of ROK! This week, we continue the philosophical series upon certitude. Last week, we discussed how truth subsists in a judgment where there is a… read more
An Introduction To The Study Of Certitude (Criteriology)
Greetings to the men of ROK in the joyful season of Paschaltide. This week, we’ll look ahead to the continuation of our philosophical series. Though Cardinal Mercier’s manual discusses Cosmology next,… read more
Why We Should Expect The Rise Of A Caesar This Century
As previously pointed out in this article about Oswald Spengler’s astonishingly accurate predictions for the Western world made a century ago, we are currently in the Winter of a declining… read more
How Acknowledging Death Can Improve Your Life
Life’s only certainty: one day you will die. It might be this afternoon. It might be a century from now. You might see it coming in the form of a… read more
A Gentleman’s Introduction To The Seven Liberal Arts
The ancient Greek and Roman civilizations were periods of rapid cultural growth and advancement. Over two thousand years ago, these cultures developed an education system that persisted until the 20th… read more
How Aristotle’s First Principles Can Help You Understand The World
Last week, we took an initial glance at how philosophy is the science that seeks to analyze and abstractly consider all things, until the simplest, most extensive and generally applicable… read more
How A German Historian Predicted The Decline Of Western Civilization 100 Years Ago
Is Western Civilization in Decline? I think nearly everyone in the manosphere would agree that it is. There is a lot of discussion these days about America and the other… read more
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