What Is The Hegelian Dialectic?
A term that kept coming up in my research on modern governments was “Hegelian Dialectic.” I spent some time studying it to understand not only what it was, but how… read more
The Philosophical Messages Of The Watchmen
The Watchmen is one of the most popular graphic novels of all time. It was published in 1986-1987 as a series of comics written by Alan Moore, British author of… read more
Is Atheism Good?
Is religious faith normal, natural, or desirable? Does it serve an important function in the life of man, or is it, rather, an aggregation of pernicious superstitions, designed to soothe… read more
The Mountain And The Valley
There was once a tall mountain that stood on a ragged stretch of coastline, where storms blew and rain blasted the beaches. Wind and wave and water had smashed at… read more
How John Stuart Mill Demolished Roosh’s Feminist Opponents Over 150 Years Ago
With Return of Kings publisher Roosh taking a victory lap after holding two successful talks in Canada—despite the entire Canadian establishment trying to stop him—butthurt social justice freaks are licking… read more
3 Things I Learned From Serving As Reaxxion’s Editor
As most of you already know, Return of Kings’ sister site Reaxxion is closing down this week. Back in March, Roosh selected me to be the site’s editor after I… read more
Philosophical Approaches To Proving The Existence Of God
Atheist polemicists portray religious faith as an irrational belief that has no supporting evidence at all. Theists reply that of course there is evidence for the existence of God, the… read more
Why Shaming Men (And Women) Is Important And Necessary
One of the most unfortunate similarities the manosphere—or at least certain portions of it—has in common with social justice warriors is a fanatical opposition to “shaming.” Feminists hate it when… read more
Why Euthanasia Will Eventually Be The Leading Cause Of Death
There are many fronts in the war against death, and for the past two hundred years humanity has been winning. The stats are easy enough to find. Before the industrial revolution… read more
The Anti-Feminism Wisdom Of The Bible
A few articles on ROK have touched upon basic biblical wisdoms and how they can apply to us here in the manosphere. What they haven’t elaborated upon is just how useful God’s… read more
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