3 Fundamental Truths About The Universe You Learn From Lifting Weights
A man’s experience in weight lifting, strength training, and bodybuilding reveal to him certain fundamental truths about the nature of the universe and the reality we live in. Here are three… read more
Pitchfork’s Assault On White Men Shows The Necessity Of Pushing Back Against The Left
Having declared war on gamers, comic book fans and metalheads, SJWs have now turned their guns on the world of indie rock. In the past couple of months, indie news… read more
Why You Should Be Morally Apathetic In Your Dealings With Women
When I broke up with my college girlfriend back in my Baptist days, she was completely distraught. Let’s call her Petunia. Petunia was wanting to save her first kiss for her… read more
Barbie Is The Perfect Role Model For Little Girls
Feminists claim that exaggerated beauty standards are toxic towards women. They point to Barbie as the supreme patriarchal oppression propaganda for little girls, no matter how often Mattel makes empowered versions of her…. read more
Are We Living In A Computer Simulation?
This article originally appeared on Roosh V. The strangest thing to ever happen to me took place in Tomsk, a Russian Siberian city. A week into my stay there, I… read more
Your Idea Of Rights Is A Convenient Myth
Before he died, George Carlin was one of America’s richest deposits of red pill wisdom: “Rights! Boy everyone in this country is always running around yammering about their fucking rights. I… read more
Why Logic Fails When Describing Abstract Ideas
Quite recently on the forum, there was an excellent thread about the life and work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Although the man himself was fascinating, this article was simply inspired by… read more
Why Feminists Hate Male Sexuality
To decipher the mind of the 21st century feminist is to realize that, at its core, “the sisterhood” does not draw its energy from a place of love and respect… read more
Unwed Mothers Should Give Their Children Up For Adoption
Sometimes at ROK, we publish satirical pieces designed to direct attention to deeper issues. Leftists refer to them as troll pieces, but I think that just shows their own willful… read more
How To Use Rhetoric To Sexually Objectify Women
In my post about being judged by appearances, I said, “Women complain about how they’ll never be supermodel-skinny, but most men want to marry a woman whose ribcage they can… read more
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