The Danger Of Hedonic Adaptation
This podcast explores the hedonic treadmill, which states that people will adapt to pleasure over time, making its pursuit a marginal endeavor. Through four life examples, I show how this… read more
Culture War Chat: The Failing Media And Their Manosphere Attacks
Scholar of the manosphere Quintus Curtius joins me for a special edition of Culture War Chat, where we discuss current events. Here is the timeline of our conversation: 1:03: Thoughts… read more
PODCAST: The Past, Present, And Future Of Game
What is game and why do modern men have to use it? In this podcast I explain the societal and environmental changes that have made game a requirement for men… read more
PODCAST: The Serenity Of Stoicism
Stoicism is a philosophy for your mind that helps you deal with suffering and misfortune. In this podcast, I review stoicism’s strongest points as presented by three powerful thinkers (Epictetus,… read more
ROK Podcast: Culture War Analysis With ROK’s David Garrett Brown
Welcome back to the latest Return of Kings Podcast. In this episode, we bring you up to speed on some current stories, an interview with ROK writer David Garrett Brown,… read more
ROK Podcast: Interview With Roosh About The Year Ahead
We’re proud to bring you the second Return of Kings Podcast, recorded January 12, 2016. This episode features an all new interview with Roosh, as well as discussion of recent… read more
Return Of Kings Podcast #1 Is Now Here
Return of Kings has decided to add a regular podcast to its lineup of features. Hosted by myself, this will allow an entire new dimension to the ROK experience. In… read more
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