Will 2017 Turn Into An Epic Year For Good Men?
The following is a sponsored article by Expandourmind. It is the final part of a series on Marxism and upcoming events for mankind. Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended… read more
3 Reasons Why The Corporate Elites Support Mass-Immigration
Much has been written about the strange bedfellows of the establishment left. What unites feminists, Islamists, anarchists, Bernie-bros, LGBTQ+, BLM rioters, and Hillary voters often seems to be little more than… read more
The Myth That Liberals Are More Fair And Less Authoritarian Than Conservatives
For years, a meme has been promoted by institution-occupying liberals who pretend to be “political scientists”: liberals care about fairness, whereas conservatives value authority and purity. At face value, the… read more
5 Ways Northeast Asian Countries Benefit From Having No Diversity
The world’s most prosperous and developed regions, or what we casually refer to as the “first world”, are roughly divided into four key areas of the planet. They are Anglo… read more
How White Flight Can Be Reversed
Since at least the 1960s, more and more people of European descent have been fleeing the unwanted, invasive and often crime-riddled presence of non-whites. At the end of the 1980s,… read more
6 Tentacles Of The Leftist Power Structure That Control Western Society
The world’s major power blocs represent national interests, religions, and ideologies. They’re like icebergs: partly visible, but mostly beneath the surface. Openness and transparency aren’t exactly core principles! Power bloc… read more
The USA Needs A Trade Policy Benefiting Americans And Not Globalist Billionaires
During the late 19th century, the USA became an industrial powerhouse, its manufacturing capacity becoming among the world’s foremost. During the late 20th century, industry was disappearing at an alarming… read more
French President Macron Is Surprising The World With Actual Leadership Ability
The conventional “wisdom” about France’s new president Emmanuel Macron is that he is just another boring EU bureaucrat, notable only for the tabloid discussions surrounding his spouse. Some political observers… read more
10 Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic, And Homophobic Countries Ignored By The Left
All sorts of sub-groups of the regressive left, whether they are ‘anti-racists’, feminists, ‘Black Lives Matter’ advocates, or just lazy armchair activist social justice warriors, repeatedly pick on the same… read more
A 1958 List Of Communist Objectives For America Is Now Nearly Complete
Cleon Skousen was an FBI special agent until 1951. He then taught at BYU and became Salt Lake City’s police chief in 1956. His classic book The Naked Communist included a… read more
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