The United Nations’ Push For “Children’s Liberation” Is A Ploy To Reduce Parental Authority
The international community has taken a serious approach to “children’s liberation,” now enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Only a handful of tiny countries… read more
The Liberal Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End
Liberals like to prance around like they’re large and in charge of modern American society. Since long before the long, hot summer of 2016 when they burned down cities, to… read more
The American Cold Civil War
The left has decided that they no longer want to live among people who share different views than them. They are plugging their fingers in their ears while yelling racist,… read more
Republican Congressman ‘Felt The Bern’ Of Leftist Shooting Rampage
On last Wednesday, June 14th, James Hodgkinson, a leftist, opened fire on a recreational baseball game of Republican Congressmen in which they were training for a charity event. He shot… read more
How Decadent And Depraved Is The Ruling Class?
In recent times, the “one percenters” have received considerable criticism. The USA’s top 1% is estimated to own 40% of its wealth, and it wasn’t like this a few decades… read more
The Endgame Of Multiculturalism Is Race Segregation
As multiculturalism continues to fail in Europe, we must begin to understand the inevitable outcome of “pluralistic” societies, and how and why this inevitable outcome has occurred in many parts of… read more
European Union Plants Seed Of War By Preparing Sanctions Against Visegrad Nations That Reject Migrants
In June 2017, The European authorities released a statement announcing legal action against three European nations, Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic for not taking “the necessary action” in accepting migrants and… read more
Rash Of “Pregnant Man” Stories From Mainstream Media Confirm You Need A Vagina To Have Children
There is a recent news article under the headline ‘“My body is awesome’: Trans man expecting first child“, about a couple in Portland, Oregon who are having a baby in… read more
What The Hell Is Wrong With Sweden?
Two years ago, Prince Prospero wrote about the wreckage of his homeland. His description of the Swedish political scene seems like a nation run by sociology and women’s studies professors…. read more
Is Your Penis Responsible For Global Warming?
Recently, a couple of pranksters published a paper in Cogent social Sciences, an academic journal. Their monograph is called “The conceptual penis as a social construct“. What the hell is this?… read more
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