The 3 Most Powerful Weapons Of The Globalist Establishment
Baaa, baaa. King Shepherd, we’ve globally killed over 20 million men in our most successful slaughter ever! What should we do next? Excellent, this world war was better than the… read more
What The Victory Of Freemason Puppet Emmanuel Macron Means For Western Patriots
Everything went according to plan. The effete bank clerk, the corporate love child between François Mitterand and Léon Blum put together by the complacent media and the powerful elite in… read more
How Subversive KGB Tactics From The Past Are Being Used Today To Destroy America
The Soviet Union made exporting revolution a high priority. Although the USSR is gone, the effects of their subversion campaign linger to this day. The script for Communist takeover KGB… read more
Welcome To Political Correctness 2.0
The truth cannot be concealed for long, especially in the internet age. A portion of the elite has recognized this and allowed discourse to move from political correctness version 1.0… read more
5 Important Insights From Red Pilled British Economist Peter Bauer
Overall, ROK leans towards an anti-socialist, anti-globalist, and anti-egalitarian position. One can add pro-Western, although there is no consensus regarding the extent to which traditional culture is preferred over modern or vice versa. As I see it, it… read more
You Must Be Prepared To Die For The Fourth Amendment
We live in a digital age of mass surveillance. This should come as no surprise to any of the red-pilled readership here at Return of Kings. From Edward Snowden’s revelations… read more
The Root Cause Of Our Problems With Government Is Tight Centralization
Have you ever wondered why leftists can push their agendas in government even when they’re flagrantly against the will of the majority? How do they get away with this? In… read more
Why Communism Doesn’t Work
An economy is a method of distribution of scarce resources. I should make it clear that an economic system is basically a Platonic ideal form existing in the realm of… read more
How Did Venezuela Become Such A Total Disaster?
You’ve probably read or heard a great deal about the incipient chaos in Venezuela. There are serious food shortages, rampant crime, seething unrest, and the threat of a violent government… read more
7 Mainstream Movies With Subversive Themes That Slipped Under The Radar
Many movies (and TV shows, of course) have been larded up with propaganda to demoralize us and indoctrinate the public in politically correct thinking. The efforts range from fairly subliminal… read more
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