Is North Korea Really A Threat To The United States?
With an eventual armed conflict between North Korea and the U.S. and some of its regional allies like South Korea and Japan waiting around the corner, it is relevant to… read more
10 Essential Tips For Attending An Antifa Riot
The recent success of the Fourth Battle of Berkeley is a palpable sign of the shift which is underway in Western politics. Since the election of Donald Trump, the peaceful… read more
The Battle Of Berkeley Signals The Arrival Of A True Right-Wing Movement
This past weekend, antifascist “antifa” groups attacked a peaceful Trump rally in Berkeley California. The goal of the antifa attack was to deprive these Trump supporters of their constitutional right… read more
How Wealthy Americans Dodge Taxes
The American tax system is graduated, with the wealthier paying a higher amount. Whether or not this should be so is debatable. Arguments in favor are that they have a… read more
Canada Gives Up On Freedom And Passes Anti-Islamophobia Motion
In late March, Canada’s federal government decisively passed a controversial Liberal-backed motion “condemning Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination.” This motion, coined M-103, purports to “quell… read more
6 Questions The Media Is Afraid To Ask About Syria
Hours after the April 4, 2017 incident at Khan Sheikhoun in Syria, western media began publishing stories that the Syrian military had used chemical weapons in an attack on civilians. … read more
Has Trump Been Bamboozled By The Neocons?
By now you are aware that on April 4th a gas attack took place, purportedly launched by Syrian president Bashar Assad. Gruesome pictures and videos of dead children were played non-stop… read more
10 Facts Regarding The US Strike On Syria
With the US strike against Syrian airbase last week, there are endless speculations on what’s happening and what more is to come in the near future. At the moment, the… read more
The Anti-White Racism Of “Moderate” Muslims
It is no secret that anti-white racism is a growing trend and a default position in leftist circles nowadays, whether it is promoted by SJW types or white leftists themselves… read more
The Fault Lines In Progressive Paradise
Dark forces have been working for decades to put together an unholy alliance opposed to Western civilization. They may seem at times like a monolithic menace, but it’s really a… read more
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