5 Cultural Milestones Where Leftists Assume Zero Responsibility For Their Choices
Being red-pilled and pushing on the world means that, sooner or later, libtards get mad and try to push us back. This happened to me, of course, and at least… read more
Open Letter To President Donald J. Trump
President Trump, now that you are firmly in power and have vigorously begun fulfilling your campaign promises, I expect you to have extra time to fix other problems that weren’t… read more
Are Globalism And Progressivism Inevitable?
As our world is becoming increasingly polarized between the forces of globalism and progressivism on one side and those who oppose it for whatever reasons on the other, it is… read more
What I Learned From Oliver Stone’s Movie On Edward Snowden
Oliver Stone’s bio of Edward Snowden is now available on video. While most people are aware of the vast spy network that Snowden revealed, this film focuses more on the… read more
Two Black Women Start A White Guilt Atonement Fund That Becomes Extremely Profitable
A March 17 article in NYMag, “These Women Started a Company to Teach White People How to Be Less Racist,” reports on a new foundation called Safety Pin Box. The… read more
The Failure Of Ryancare Is A Win For Trump
The fake news media and the Democrats are gleefully gloating about the failure of the Republicans to live up to one of their key campaign promises: repealing and replacing Obamacare. As… read more
The 5 Stages Of The Voodoo Economy
After the two world wars ended, the European nations which molded the very civilization the world enjoys today, retreated in prominence, as America rose in wealth and power. The New… read more
5 More Ancient Tactics For Modern Combat
As the political situation in the United States (and really the Western world on the whole) continues to deteriorate, and street fighting paramilitary groups have begun to affect political change… read more
5 Things Inherently Wrong With “Love Trumps Hate”
After Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States, dismayed leftists, professional protesters, and useful idiots alike (many of whom did not even vote) fled to the… read more
6 Leftist Concepts That Pretend To Be Positive But Are Not
The left is intrinsically conflict-mongering. It always existed against a particular state of thing, whether real or fantasized. Early on, though, it dissimulated its conflictive essence by posing as positive… read more
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