The Redstockings Manifesto Was The Blueprint For Contemporary Feminism
In many ways, 1969 was a pretty cool year, but it was also during a wave of crazy radicalism that made today’s upsurge of rent-a-mobs seen like a croquet match…. read more
5 Buzzwords Liberals Use To Smear Dissidents
When we were blue pills, some words would elicit in us Pavlovian answers. We would crawl at anything that appeared “racist” or tied to skin color. Anything deemed “Nazi” would… read more
Le Favori De L’Élection Présidentielle Française, Cette Couille Molle Marié À Une Femme De 25 Ans Son Aînée
C’est l’histoire d’un mec de 39 ans, ex-banquier de chez Rothschild, qui rentre dans un bar (et dans la course à l’Élysée) avec sa femme de 63 ans. Non, ce… read more
Orange Bus In Spain Causes Political And Social Outrage For Stating There Are Two Sexes
A bright orange bus appeared in public on Monday in the city of Madrid with several phrases written on its sides stating blatant biological facts: “Boys have a penis, girls have… read more
France’s Cucked Presidential Frontrunner Is Married To A Woman 24 Years Older Than Him
A 39-year-old former Rothschild banker walks into a bar (and the French Presidential race) with his 63-year-old wife. No, this isn’t a joke, except for maybe the bar part. “Centrist” Emmanuel… read more
The Dysfunction Of Modern Society Is Proof That Cultural Marxism “Works”
The social and political climate took a very sharp left turn during the mid-1960s, seemingly overnight. By the 1990s, political correctness began stifling free speech. Today, urban riots are back in… read more
3 Feminists Who Caused The Most Harm To The World
Most blue pill people think that feminism is only about equality. We know that’s baloney. Further, the big-name feminists are quite often kooky, man-hating extremists, influenced by Marxism, or all the… read more
How The Deep State Operates
When looking at the state of the world that we live in today, it is sobering to think that not so long ago, many people thought that it would take… read more
8 Common Misconceptions About Anarchism
Few weeks ago, I published an article calling for the political independence of America and I was pleased to see that many people were open to the idea, so I… read more
Trump Vs. The Deep State: The War For America’s Soul
Michael Flynn’s recent ouster as National Security Adviser was the first battle in what’s shaping up to be a war for the future of America’s soul. Unfortunately, Flynn’s ouster was… read more
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