Is Genocide On The Elite Agenda?
Those blue-eyed devils. The world would be better off without them, right? One only need subject themselves to mainstream media for a few short minutes to see white people being… read more
The War Between Donald Trump And The Deep State
In the below video, I analyze the implications of Trump’s National Security Adviser getting fired because of malicious leaks from the CIA… Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe… read more
What Is Virtue Signalling?
Virtue signaling is an attempt to get into the good graces of an individual or group by taking a political stance that attempts to show moral superiority. It allows someone to cheaply… read more
3 Lessons From Political Economist Alberto Alesina
Like Dani Rodrik, the Italian Alberto Alesina is one of those Harvard University economists who provide sound arguments and largely unimpeachable data. His articles and books – whether on fiscal… read more
3 Anti-Trump Companies That Men Can Boycott Today
Return Of Kings has a massive following—this is our strength. We’re not just a rag-tag team of a few thousand men scattered across the globe…we’re hundreds of thousands strong, with… read more
When Will Homosexuals Take Personal Responsibility For The Spread Of HIV?
What do Elton John and the late George Michael, pictured in the main photo for this article, have in common? They’ve spent years talking about HIV/AIDS, all without convincing a… read more
Why Don’t Americans Declare Independence From One Another?
I was reading Keith Preston’s Attack the System where he made a passing mention of the idea of leftists declaring independence from the rest of the nation which it views… read more
The Shame Of President Obama’s Legacy
President Obama gave his farewell address in Chicago on January 10, 2016. President Trump took office 10 days later. The following are a few quotes from President Obama’s 50 minute speech: Lack… read more
The Globalists Strike Back Against Trump
During the election, the globalist elites that run the US (and most European nations) threw everything they had to stop Donald Trump. Despite an unprecedented media blitz of every sort of… read more
How Modern Society Degrades Man’s Existence And How To Fight Back
What is a man? There are countless ways to define masculinity, and therefore, the meaning of our existence. Some define it through the society’s standards of material success, strong and… read more
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