Is The Managerial State Our Enemy?
A lot of red-pilling has been going on last years. Among normies, of course, as Trump’s victory and the Brexit showed, but also among the Right in the wide sense,… read more
Thomas Paine: An Agitator And Revolutionary
One figure in early American history has the unique distinction of being a significant actor in both the American and French revolutions. Thomas Paine is not widely known today (or… read more
Why Democracy, Nationalism, And Globalist Economics Can’t Coexist
As several writers of ROK have pointed out, binary oppositions can trap people into ways of thinking and acting that lead to that other real or potential options are neglected…. read more
3 Ways To Improve The American Constitution
Less than 200 years later, the US again finds itself facing conditions that could lead to a civil war. Like last time, the nation is starkly split over a ticking… read more
How Leftist Indoctrination Tactics Resemble Maoist Brainwashing
There is a document from the BBS days about cult indoctrination tactics, exploring the similarities to Chinese Communist brainwashing. This quotes from Chapter 22 of Robert Jay Lifton’s classic Thought Reform… read more
Why Free Market Economics Isn’t Working As Advertised
Since Newton’s Laws, physicists thought the universe behaved basically like a billiards table: an object in motion stays in motion on its trajectory forever unless an outside force acts on… read more
The Elites Have No Idea What Is Coming
You have all felt the change in the air, no doubt. The stuffiness, the tension, the leaden heat that only comes before a major storm. Birds land and ruffle up… read more
An Ugly African Woman Has Somehow Managed To Win Miss Helsinki
When you hear the words Finland or Scandinavia, what’s the first images that pop into your head? My guess would be vikings, blistering cold, and some of the blondest hair and bluest… read more
The Future Of The USA, Russia, And The New World Order
I randomly came across a fascinating document called The USA And The New World Order: A Debate Between Olavo de Carvalho And Aleksandr Dugin (PDF download). It has done more… read more
NY Daily News Writer Bashes Trump’s Cabinet For Being Not Educated Or Black Enough
“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” Originally attributed to George Bernard Shaw, this maxim has hung around for a hundred years in various forms (my brother likes to… read more
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