How The Washington D.C. Swamp Is Still A Threat To Donald Trump’s Administration
Happy New Year, Return Of Kings! Now having said that, the festivities are over and it’s incumbent on us to look forward, not back. We won great victories last year,… read more
It’s Time To Go Beyond The “Capitalism Vs. Socialism” Dichotomy
C. S. Lewis wrote that “the devil always sends errors into the world in pairs of opposite.” Whether one believes in God or not, one cannot help but notice that… read more
The Ugly Divorce Between The Alt Right And The Alt Lite
The end of the year is usually a quiet time for news, but it wasn’t quiet for some of Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters. The political movement known as the… read more
2017 Is The Beginning Of A New Cycle In Western Civilization
Last year has ended and a new year has begun. To the liberals, 2016 turned to be an annus horribilis, full of politically incorrect triumphs and events one could not… read more
The Political Nature Of Man
How involved should a man get with politics? Should he become an activist who is eternally politically aware or should he forget about politics entirely? In this podcast, I explain… read more
How Leftist Ideology Might Have Destroyed The Neanderthals
Much about the Neanderthals is shrouded in the mists of time, but archaeology provides some clues. Their disappearance is one of the mysteries of early mankind. Several theories have been proposed…. read more
The 5 Biggest Heroes of 2016
2016 has been a turbulent year to say the least and it is during times of uncertainty that we see great men emerge above the rest. I’ve chosen five prominent… read more
6 Final Double Standards Leftists Enforce On Their Enemies
Previously: 6 More Double Standards Leftists Enforce On Their Enemies As the proverb says, when the tide is ebbing, the waste that remained hidden underwater appears and the boats of the… read more
Does The Future Belong To The Left?
Likely you’ve heard leftists describing themselves as being the ideological torchbearers of the future. By extension, anyone resisting them (or even skeptical) is portrayed as being out of touch with the times, trying… read more
Canadian Liberals Declare Self-Defense “Offensive” To Women
In Canada, self-defense has now been implicitly declared sexist by the incumbent liberals at Parliament Hill. While Canada’s extremely tight gun control laws are well-known, the extent to which self-defense… read more
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