It Has Been 50 Years Since Enoch Powell’s Prophetic “Rivers Of Blood” Speech
On April 20, 1968 The British politician Enoch Powell delivered maybe the most important speech ever on the topic of Migration. It was called “Rivers Of Blood” speech, not because… read more
Is Leftism The Carthage Of The Twenty-First Century?
For decades, every time he spoke in public, Roman statesman Cato the Elder would say at least once Carthago delenda est. Carthage must be destroyed! What had started as a… read more
16 Things That Will Happen As America Collapses
Donald Trump bragged about his “smart” missiles launched at Syria to Russia over an unproven allegation of Assad gassing his own people while war mongers like Madman McCain and the… read more
Ben Shapiro Is The Original Tradthot
There’s been plenty of talk about tradthots lately. This long video is particularly entertaining: Tradthots have several characteristics. They preach they value of living a traditional life but do not… read more
FBI Raids Office Of Donald Trump’s Lawyer To “Investigate” Allegations Of Used-Up Porn Actress
Early in the morning yesterday, special agents of the FBI raided the office of Trump’s lawyer Michael D. Cohen and seized records which contained confidential material between clientele, just like… read more
New German Law Allows Women To See The Salaries Of Their Male Coworkers
One of my friends, who is currently living in Berlin, works as a software programmer for a multinational corporation. He was telling me how his females colleagues can now… read more
Donald Trump’s Presidency Has Proved How Irrelevant Voting Really Is
Many of us on the political right were ecstatic about Donald Trump’s campaign since he represented our frustration with the worthless GOP. A massive contingent of his supporters mobilized to… read more
American Universities Attack Trump For Being A Dictator While Staying Silent About China’s Authoritarianism
Countless leftist universities, professors, lecturers, and students have attacked President Donald Trump for being a “dictator” purportedly endangering people or inflicting actual “harm” on them. Trump, an elected head of… read more
Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite
French justice just acquitted a man after he had sex with an 11-year-old girl, on the grounds that the “sex was consensual.” As you probably know by now, after inoculating the most… read more
South African Parliament Votes To Take Land From White People Without Compensation
Members of the South African parliament have overwhelmingly voted to take land from white people—without any compensation. Best of all, they have produced virtually no plan as to how this… read more
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