5 Lessons About Building A Nation From Singaporean Political Visionary Lee Kuan Yew
In politics and economics, the East Asian and Southeast Asian countries do generally have a limited originality. Philosophically and culturally, legalism and Confucianism play a vital role in many nations… read more
6 More Double Standards Leftists Enforce On Their Enemies
The leftist establishment, that still holds most institutions in the West, enforces serious double standards. Many of the norms and rules we follow are the result of said double standards—and… read more
Why The Fake News Media Is Promoting Russian Hacking Hysteria
The current year was the gift that kept on giving when it comes to pulling back the curtain on the powers that be. What we’ve seen since Donald Trump’s win has… read more
3 Lessons We’re Learning From Venezuela’s Collapse
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana Some ideas have long records of complete failure, yet people try them again and again. Venezuela’s… read more
How Saul Alinksy Has Revealed The Flaws Of The Left
Most of us here wouldn’t care too much for Saul Alinsky’s politics, though he’s not really much worse than many other leftists. He wasn’t a Communist Party member, though he… read more
4 Double Standards That Leftists Keep Propagating
A French-Jewish essayist once said: “Time has come to deconstruct the deconstruction apologists.” This was in 2014. That year, our trend had already progressed much compared to the preceding years…. read more
8 Reasons Why The Leftists Win
In my last article, I went over reasons why leftists are losers as people. Today, I want to go over how they’ve been managing to win in spite of their… read more
We Must Not Get Complacent After The Great Election Victory
Congratulations gentlemen, after much ridicule, vitriolic leftist rhetoric, and subversion attempts we have prevailed. Donald Trump is the right man to lead the country at the right time when it… read more
6 Reasons Why I Gave Up On Libertarianism
These days, libertarianism tends to be quite discredited. It is now associated with the goofy candidature of Gary Johnson, having a rather narrow range of issues—legalize weed! less taxes!—, cucking… read more
Welcome To America’s New Golden Age
In 1920s, the US experienced a period of unprecedented economic prosperity, rapid advances technology, and a sense of destiny. With the election of Trump, the US is on the verge… read more
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