How To Defeat Leftists In Debates
Mainstream media members and social justice warriors everywhere remain outraged. Everything Donald Trump does, or says, is under constant scrutiny by people with unearned moral superiority. Whether it’s ditching the press… read more
12 Reasons Why Liberals And Progressives Will Always Be Losers
The 21st century leftists have proven themselves to be utterly ignorant and incapable time and time again. And I believe there are specific reasons for this that has to do… read more
Nationalism Is A Trap
More people are coming to the truthful conclusion that globalism is a failure and nationalism, where a country’s people and interests are valued above that of non-citizens, is the way… read more
4 Examples That Show The Globalists Are Losing Ground
The media is beginning to demonize the manosphere and alt right. Twitter has suspended multiple accounts, such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Ricky Vaughn, and Matt Forney. The Guardian wrote a hit… read more
The Path Men Took To Trump
Every man who supports Donald Trump came to it from a different path. Some of you support him because of economic impoverishment or because you have seen your neighborhoods degrade from… read more
Men Are Binded By Their Shared Realization Of Truth
The 9th of November 2016 was a great day. We will remember it as well as our parents remember the first moon landing in July 1969 or the fall of… read more
3 Reasons Why You Should Apply For A Job In The Trump Administration
With the election over and done with, America is turning its attention to the transition from President Obama to President Trump. In barely two months, the Donald will take office,… read more
5 Ways The Media Responded With Butthurt To Donald Trump’s Victory
The media doesn’t even try to hide its shameless pro-Socialist bias these days. Since nobody really pays attention to them anymore, you might have missed some of the more entertaining butthurt… read more
What The Trump Skeptics Got Wrong
There have been few true upsets in our history: Caesar crossing the Rubicon, Wellington’s victories at Assaye and Waterloo, and Washington’s victory at Yorktown over the most professional army in… read more
What Donald Trump’s Victory Means For Men
The celebrations have ended and we’ve all come to absorb the fact that Donald Trump is our next President, an outcome that many of us have aggressively worked for in… read more
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