How The Elites Are Using “Divide And Rule” To Control Us
It wasn’t long ago that the Left represented the anti-establishment wing in politics. They used to fight against globalism (remember the anti-globalization movement?) even if their motives were different from those… read more
Donald Trump And His Supporters Are Fighting A Rigged System
At the third debate, Donald Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the election. Trump responded that he would have to look at the process to determine… read more
How A Communist Brainwashing Method Was Exported To The United States
During the height of the Cold War, the CIA attempted to develop mind control techniques with the MKULTRA program. As it happens, the Communists already had a leg up on them…. read more
4 Reasons Liberalism Is A Cult
The American Presidential election looms ever closer, with the liberal candidate Hillary Clinton seeming to still win the (rigged?) polls despite ever increasing scandals. I want to use today’s space… read more
Why Undercover Trump Supporters Are More Common Than You Think
He—and, in far rarer cases, she—stirs in a dark and sweaty room, like Martin Sheen at the beginning of “Apocalypse Now,” pondering the future of America. The setting sun creeps… read more
The Culture War Is Being Transformed Into A Hot War
We’re approaching a point of no return. Your life will soon be impacted not just in the abstract of the degradation in women around you or an invisible tightening of your… read more
How Donald Trump Forever Changed US Politics
Whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny that Donald Trump’s run for the presidency has had a huge effect on the country, especially our broken political process…. read more
The Elites Are Not Smarter Than You
For the longest time I held in high esteem those who worked in distinguished institutions. I’d revere the Congressman, New York Times journalist, think tank strategist, anthropology professor, non-profit director, and literary… read more
Final Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (OPEN THREAD)
I created this page for those who want to leave comments during the debate or in the immediate aftermath. You can also discuss it on this RVF thread. The debate will start at… read more
7 Wikileaks Revelations About Hillary Clinton That The Media Is Completely Ignoring
The recent Wikileaks revelations about the Clintons, the Clinton campaign, media collusion, and the various hypocrisies of the Democratic Party are groundbreaking in both their scope and depth. The sheer… read more
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